Useful Books

  • Published on April 01, 1908
  • By Staff Reporter
This article / write-up appeared in Svadesabhimani. has not made any changes.

 Modern Letter Writer (Ninth Edition) Containing 635 Letters. Useful to every man in every rank and position of life for daily use, Re. 1, Post. 1 Anna.

 Every-day Doubts and Difficulties (in reading, writing and speaking the English. Language.) Third Edition. Re.1, Post 1 Anna

 Hand-Book of English Synonyms. - Explained with illustrative sentences. (Third Edition.) Aids to the right use of synonymous words in composition. Re.1, Post 1 anna.

Select Speeches of the Great Orators. This book helps to write idiomatic English, to improve the oratorical and argumentative powers, Rs.2, Post 2 annas.

 Wonders of the World (in Nature, Arts and Science) Very interesting and instructive Re. 1, Post 1 anna.

 English Translation of the Koran. With Notes. By G. Sale. Re. 1-14, Post 2 annas.

 Abbott's The Life of Napolean Bonaparte. Re. 1-14. Post 3 annas.

 Todd's Rajasthan. With Notes. Vols. I & II. Rs. 4, Post 6 annas.

' Arabian Nights' Entertainments. 12 annas, Post 2 annas.

 Burke's Speeches on the Impeachment of Warren Hastings. Vols. I. & II. Rs. 4, Post. 6 annas.

 English Translation of the Ayeen Akbary. by E. Godwin. Rs. 3. Post. 3 annas.

 Postage and V. P. comn. extra. To be had of the Manager, "Indian Student: Office,

106, Upper Circular Road, Calcutta.

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