Useful Books

  • Published on November 13, 1907
  • By Staff Reporter
This article / write-up appeared in Svadesabhimani. has not made any changes.

 Modern Letter Writer (Ninth Edition)- Containing 605 Letters. Useful to every man in any  rank and position of life for daily use. Re. 1, 1 anna.

 Helps to the Study of English (Third Edition)- Containing an exhaustive collection of phrases, and idioms. With their explanations and proper vases. Rs 3, post 3 annas.

 Everyday Doubts and Difficulties (In reading, writing and speaking the English Language) Third Edition. Re 1, Post 1 anna.

 Hand-Book of English Synonyms- Explain with illustrative sentences. (Third Edition) Aids the right use of synonymous words in composition. Re. 1, post 1 anna.

 Select Speeches of the Great Orators. Vols. I & II. These books help to write idiomatic English to improve the oratorical and argumentative powers.   Each Volume Rs. 2, post 1 1/2 anna.

 Wonders of the World (in Nature, Arts and Science) Very interesting and instructive- Re. 1, post 1 anna.

 English Translation of the Koran, with Note. By G. Sale, Re 1-11, Post 2 annas.

 Abott's The Life of Napolean Bonaparte Re 1-14, Each Volume Rs. 2. post 3 annas.

 Todd's Rajasthan. With notes. Vols. I and II. Each Volume Rs. 2. post 3 annas.

 Arabian Night's Entertainment. 12 as. post. 2 annas.

 Postage and V. P. com. extra. To be had of The Manager, " Indian Student" office.

 108, Upper Circular Road, Calcutta

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